Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Participating in Theatre

Students discuss how they would like to participate in more theatre arts. Watch the video below to see their responses.

Are schools supporting Theatre Arts?

Students speak about how their school supports theatre arts. Watch the video below to see their responses.

Where are students participating in theatre?

Students interested in acting discuss their experience in theatre arts. Watch the video below to see their responses.

What's a Playbill?

The video below displays students from low socio-economic schools in the Bronx. Participants were shown a Playbill, then asked to identify what the item was. Here are their responses.

Using theatre as a bridge for the school and community

Teachers discuss how theatre arts can engage the community. Watch the video below to see their responses.

How students benefit from Theatre Arts

Teachers discuss how theatre arts is beneficial to their students. Watch the video below to see their responses.

The difference in exposure to Theatre Arts in NYC communities

Teachers speak about the difference in exposure to Theatre Arts in New York City schools.
Watch the video below to see their responses.